North Allegheny Foundation- Ukuleles
North Allegheny Foundation Pittsburgh, PA
ELHP Helps donated 10 Ukuleles to the North Allegheny Foundations.
North Hills Community Outreach Allison Park, PA
ELHP Helps purchased coats/hats/gloves for their Coat Drive.
Zachary's Mission Greensburg, PA
ELHP Helps purchased backpacks, toiletries and personal hygiene items for 20 Zack Packs. ELHP Helps also purchased $200 SAMs Club Gift Card for snacks. Zack Packs are given to families staying at the hospital with sick child.
Foster Love Project Pittsburgh, PA
ELHP Helps made placement bags for kids moving into foster care. ELHP Helps filled the bags with clothing/toiletries/toys, etc.
Jubilee Kitchen Pittsburgh, PA
ELHP Helps served lunch to the homeless at the soup kitchen. ELHP Helps also bought kitchen supplies for the kitchen & clothing/toiletries to distribute to homeless.